Canon MP490 fix in Mint 17 and Ubuntu 14.04 and newer

cnijfilter-common_3.20-1_i386.deb does not install because it requires libtiff4 package. The fix is to rebuild the package, editing DEBIAN/control file, changing libtiff4 to libtiff5 and then rebuild the package. Rebuilding goes like:

1. rename extracted and edited package like cnijfilter-mp490series_3.20-1-fixed

2. Set the permissions for root

sudo chown root:root -R cnijfilter-mp490series_3.20-1-fixed_i386

3. Build the package.

sudo dpkg -b cnijfilter-mp490series_3.20-1-fixed_i386 cnijfilter-mp490series_3.20-1-fixed_i386.deb
