Install TK
sudo apt install tk
Make an application like
The code:
#! /usr/bin/wish
frame .top -borderwidth 10
pack .top -fill x
button .top.1 -text "Pluma" -command { exec pluma & }
button .top.2 -text "Exit" -command { exit }
button .top.3 -text "Terminal" -command { exec x-terminal-emulator & }
button .top.4 -text "Lo Writer" -command { exec libreoffice --writer & }
pack .top.1 .top.2 .top.3 .top.4 -side left -padx 0p -pady 0
frame .middle -borderwidth 10
pack .middle -fill x
button .middle.1 -text "Scribus" -command { exec scribus & }
button .middle.2 -text "Opera" -command { exec opera }
button .middle.3 -text "Avidemux" -command { exec avidemux & }
button .middle.4 -text "Thunderbird" -command { exec thunderbird & }
pack .middle.1 .middle.2 .middle.3 .middle.4 -side left -padx 0p -pady 0
frame .bottom -borderwidth 10
pack .bottom -fill x
button .bottom.1 -text "K3b" -command { exec k3b & }
button .bottom.2 -text "XFburn" -command { exec xfburn }
button .bottom.3 -text "Audacity" -command { exec audacity & }
button .bottom.4 -text "Eye of mate" -command { exec eom & }
pack .bottom.1 .bottom.2 .bottom.3 .bottom.4 -side left -padx 0p -pady 0