How to make a terminal radio player by lead farmer script

Tunein-radio is lead farmer´s script for listening and recording radio music.

Tunein-radio lead farmerin scripti jolla voi kuunnella ja nauhoittaa radio musiikkia. Tässä suomalaisille muokattu T-radio-suomi-versio, johon on valmiiksi lisätty suomalaisia kanavia.

Nauhoituksessa lisää valitsemasi kanavan eteen r-kirjain. Nauhoitukset menevät T-radio/channels/recording hakemistoon.

tunein_help() {
echo -e "Tunein Radio Help\n\n
0 - Play a random station\n
q - Back\n
r - Add r in the begnning of the station number to recored
exsample: recording station 10 -> r10
Recordings saved in the recording folder
Recording is an experimental feature, and might not work\n
s - Save station in Favorites
1) Add s in the beginning of the number station -> s10
2) s alone will save the previous listened station\n
d - Delete station
1) Add d in the beginning of the number station -> d10
2) d alone will delete the previous listened station\n\n
read -p "Press any key to continue... " -n1 -s